Certain herbs can help you lose weight. However, they generally can not be relied upon as the sole effort. There is no magic potion that instantly make you slim by drinking it. Your daily calorie intake also needs to be limited. To lose weight, your calorie intake should not exceed a certain amount, depending on gender, age, height / weight, and physical activity.
Here are seven popular herb that helps for streamline the
body/ Weight Loss. The effect of each variable, of increasing body temperature
and metabolism (termogenetik), improve blood circulation (veinotonik),
increased intestinal transit (purgatif / laxative), reduce hunger (appetite
suppressant), reduce sweet cravings, burn fat (lipolytic) , until launched
urine (diuretics), all of which affect weight loss.
1. West Indian Elm (Guazumae folium)
West Indian Elm extract launched the digestive system by
forming a layer of mucous membranes accelerate the transit of food in the gut.
In addition, the phytochemicals in West Indian Elm leaves inhibit the activity
of pancreatic lipase, an enzyme important in the digestion and absorption of
dietary fat. In clinical trials, known lipase inhibitor effective in preventing
weight gain in obese patients.
2. Zingiberis purpurei rhizoma
Like the West Indian Elm leaves, Zingiberis purpurei rhizoma
contain saponins, polyphenols and terpenoids which can inhibit the activity of
pancreatic lipase. Zingiberis purpurei rhizoma traditionally used as herbal
medicine for stomach deflate after childbirth, as well as be able to clean the
uterus during childbirth.
3. Green tea (Camellia sinensis)
Green tea affect thermogenesis (the process that regulates
body temperature) and stimulates fat breakdown (lipolytic). A study (2005)
stated that daily consumption of green tea containing 690 mg catechins for 12
weeks lose body fat, the weight loss and cardiovascular disease risk.
4. Pomegranate White (Fructus Granati cortex)
White pomegranate peel extract minimize pores of the
intestinal mucosa, thereby reducing absorption of food. With a reduced number
of calories absorbed by the body will be forced to take it from the fat
reserves, resulting in weight loss.
5. Spirulina
What is Spirulina ? Spirulina is a blue-green algae are single-celled. Spirulina
is often called a super food because it is rich in protein, essential fatty
acids, vitamin B, C, E and chlorophyll. Gama amino lenolenat on spirulina helps
regulate blood sugar and suppress appetite. Spirulina also contains an amino
acid that creates satiety fenilalin as trigger substances in the brain
controlling satiety. Therefore, spirulina should be taken before meals.
6. Grapefruit (Citrus grande, Citrus maxima)
Grapefruit contains enzymes that absorb and reduce the
starch and sugar content in the body, thus preventing additional calories.
Grapefruit also lower the body's cholesterol levels thus helping to prevent
cardiovascular diseases.
7. Cat's Whiskers / Java tea (Orthosiphon