Natural Methods to Whiten Teeth

Posted by Unknown on Monday, October 29, 2012

Natural Methods to Whiten Teeth

Everybody want to have clean and white teeth. Although traditional treatments such as whitening toothpaste and whitening procedures by dentists is a common, sometimes they can cause sensitive teeth. For those of you who want to avoid chemical treatments, following some Natural Methods to Whiten Teeth may be an alternative.

 As a natural alternative to clean and whiten teeth, Siwak was in the top spot. Siwak Wood (Salvadora persica) has been used for centuries as a toothbrush because it contains fluoride and naturally antibacterial. Siwak even shown in some studies more effectively prevent plaque and gingivitis than toothpaste. A study limited to 24 people, average age 23 years showed that the use of miswak 4 times a day for a month can significantly whiten teeth.

 "Crispy" fruits like apple, guava, pear bark and have the abrasiveness that can help to remove stains and clean the teeth. They're like nature's toothbrush that cleans teeth surface without damaging the enamel / email.

Certain foods such as carrots, celery and apples increase saliva production in your mouth while chewing. Saliva is the body's natural stain remover. However, saliva works both ways. Besides cleaning up food scraps and garbage, saliva also carry bacteria into the mouth, which means brushing your teeth twice a day, and limiting consumption of sugar is just as important.

 Other foods can be used to work directly on the stain teeth. Strawberries contain malic acid, which is also contained in toothpaste whitening. You can divide strawberries and rubbing them on your teeth to clean stains. Another alternative to whiten teeth, you can gargle with lemon juice twice a week or brush my teeth with a washcloth soaked in olive oil for a few minutes.

 Finally, increasing evidence suggests that eating a bit of cheese, milk or yogurt after meals can help prevent tooth decay and promotes remineralization email because it contains a lot of calcium and phosphorus. 

Remember that teeth naturally have a yellowish color because it contains calcium, an essential mineral for strong tooth enamel. Brushing too hard and eating too many acidic foods can damage it. Using Natural Methods to Whiten Teeth is better than chemical method.
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{ 2 comments... read them below or add one }

Unknown said...

You can use tooth-whitening treatments that would lighten your discoloured teeth and the results are almost immediate.

Dr Ranjit said...

I love this information :)
good way to make our tooth whitening

Dental Clinic in Guntur

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